Eminem Celebrates 12 Years of Sobriety

Eminem commemorated a special occasion on Monday when he reached 12 years of sobriety.

By Samantha Schnurr Apr 21, 2020 5:38 PMTags
Eminem, 2020 Oscars, Academy Awards, ShowKevin Winter/Getty Images

One day at a time, Eminem has reached 12 years of sobriety. 

The 15-time Grammy winner took to social media late Monday in honor of a special milestone—the anniversary of his sobriety. "Clean dozen, in the books! I'm not afraid," he captioned a photo of his 12-year sobriety coin commemorating the occasion. 

The coin features the words "unity," "service" and "recovery" and has the reminder, "One day at a time" at the top of the pin. 

The star has previously discussed his past addiction to prescription drugs, telling Rolling Stone in 2011, "I was taking so many pills that I wasn't even taking them to get high anymore. I was taking them to feel normal. Not that I didn't get high. I just had to take a ridiculous amount. I want to say in a day I could consume anywhere from 40 to 60 Valium. And Vicodin… maybe 20, 30? I don't know. I was taking a lot of s--t."

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After a failed rehab stint, a 2007 overdose and a relapse shortly after, Eminem sought the help of a rehab counselor and committed to sobriety in 2008. 

In 2018, he reached a decade of sobriety

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"The thing sobriety has taught me the most," he told GQ in 2011, "is the way I'm wired—why my thought process is so different...I've realized that the way I am helps with the music. Sporadic thoughts will pop into my head and I'll have to go write something down, and the next thing you know I've written a whole song in an hour. But sometimes it sucks, and I wish I was wired like a regular person and could go have a f--kin' drink. But that's the biggest thing about addiction: When you realize that you cannot—for f--k's sake, you can not—f--k around with nothing ever again. I never understood when people would say it's a disease. Like, 'Stop it, d--khead. It's not a disease!' But I finally realized, F--k, man—it really is."

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