Viral London Tube Singer Charlotte Awbery Reveals Her Dad's Prophetic Advice

Charlotte Awbery went viral earlier this month thanks to a clip of her singing "Shallow" in the London Tube.

By Samantha Schnurr Feb 26, 2020 5:18 PMTags
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The viral London Tube star has made it across the pond. 

If you used the Internet this month, you very likely came across something about Charlotte Awbery, who took the online world by storm thanks to a chills-inducing video of her finishing the lyrics to "Shallow" from A Star Is Born

The clip was part of a larger video for which its creator, Kevin Freshwater, went up to unsuspecting people with a microphone and encouraged them to finish the song that he was singing to them. 

That video has since amassed 28 million views on Facebook alone, getting the attention of fans around the world—including Ellen DeGeneres

On Wednesday, the viral singer, who has been performing professionally for 15 years, took the stage on the daytime talk show to perform the hit song and sit down with the famous host. 

"I'm absolutely overwhelmed with all of this," she told DeGeneres and thanked her. The host listed off all the incredible things that have happened to Awbery since the impromptu moment went viral, including Ariana Grande following her on Instagram, to which she said she followed her back. 

A Star Is Born Through the Years

Awbery also recalled some sweet advice her dad gave her, which proved to be quite telling: "My dad's always said to me, just, wherever you are, just always, just sing wherever you are. Never, ever give up."

Freshwater explained he had been shooting for the video in London for two weeks when he came across Awbery, who he said blew him away. 

"I was just in shock and she deserves this," he said. "I was come to tears then, watching you sing. You deserve this."

Making the moment even sweeter, DeGeneres gifted her a year-long pass for the London Tube and £10,000 from Shutterfly. 

Needless to say, a star has officially been born. 

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