Kate Hudson Reveals the A-Lister Who Once Scaled a Gate to Crash Her Party

Kate Hudson and Oliver Hudson appeared on Thursday's episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show and recalled the time an A-lister crashed one of their big parties.

By Elyse Dupre Feb 20, 2020 2:08 PMTags
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Well, that's one party Kate Hudson and Oliver Hudson will never forget.

The 40-year-old actress and the 43-year-old actor revealed which A-lister once climbed over a gate to crash their party during Thursday's episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

The How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days star admitted the siblings were "naughty" and threw parties when Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell were out of town. 

"As we got a little bit older and, like, started hanging with our parents, our parents came to our parties at their house," she explained. "So, we'd throw the party and our parents would just show up."

Oliver joked "Kate would invite the industry people" while he would "invite the riffraff."

One time, the dynamic duo hosted a bash that was so big that Kate decided to stand at the door to make sure that "people who aren't supposed to be at the party aren't coming in." 

"There's like 400 people at my parents' house," she recalled. "I'm kind of freaking out a little bit....I see someone scaling, literally scaling, an eight-foot gate at my parents' house."

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Kate said the crasher then did a "back handspring thing" after climbing over the barrier. Just as she was about to yell at the uninvited guest, she recognized the familiar face: It was Tom Cruise.

"He is Mission: Impossible," she said. "It was wild. I'm not kidding."

In addition to looking back at their star-studded soirées, Kate and Oliver opened up about their podcast and families.

Watch: Kate Hudson Gushes Over "Adorable" Daughter Rani Rose

Watch the video to see the interview.

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