Chrissy Teigen Shares Hilarious Video to Prove Luna's Beloved Hamster Is Still Alive

Chrissy Teigen gave an update on Luna Stephens' pet hamster, lovingly named Peanut Butter. Check out the adorable video here.

By kelli boyle Jan 10, 2020 3:48 PMTags
Chrissy Teigen, Luna Stephens Holidays 2019Instagram

Peanut Butter Stephens is doing just fine.

On Thursday night, Chrissy Teigen took to Twitter to share an update on her daughter Luna's beloved hamster, which they welcomed into the family fold in March 2019. Fans hadn't seen any photos or videos of the little critter for a while, and apparently they had been pressing the mom of two for a status update.

To put an end to the chatter, the Cravings author (who also just got her kids another dog) tweeted a video of her daughter caring for the tiny pet. As she joked in the caption, "stop asking me if the hamster is alive."

In the video, Luna walks toward the camera with her pet in her hands. "Who's this?" Chrissy asks her daughter. In a very matter of fact manner, Luna responds, "Peanut Butter!"

"And what is today's date?" Chrissy continues to ask her 3-year-old. As the little one replies, "It's Wednesday."

With John Legend giggling in the background, the model corrects her and says, "It's Thursday." As John chimes in, "That was close!"

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend's 2019 Family Winter Vacation

Seconds later, the singer says "Jan. 9, 2020" to let the fans know when the Peanut Butter evidence was gathered.

Taking a page out of the Queen of Twitter's book, fans of the famous family trolled Chrissy in response to the video.

As one fan tweeted, "okay but is it." Chimed in another, "Gonna need to see a little more proof."

Chrissy and Luna brought little Peanut Butter home in March, much to John's dismay.

As the star tweeted at the time, "Luna and I bought a hamster today. Her name is peanut butter. John is not thrilled, which makes me love her more."

Things got complicated, however, when Peanut Butter went missing twice in her first two days in her new home.

Naturally, Chrissy documented the entire saga on Twitter.

As she said the second time the hamster went M.I.A., "Oh my f*@kin g the hamster is gone again."

"We are doing your peanut butter on a plate trick to find peanut butter," she said in a follow-up post. "I swear to god if other critters come out of the woodwork for it, john will vomit and die."

They ended up finding her, of course. And in April, Chrissy gave a hilarious update. As she tweeted, "The hamster has finally figured out her wheel. is it possible for her to exercise too much? should I take the wheel out sometimes? I'm worried she's about to start a fitness instagram."

This latest Peanut Butter update neither confirms nor denies the possibility of the hamster's fitness Insta. Stay tuned. Anything is possible on the internet.

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