YouTuber Brittani Boren Leach Mourns Death of 3-Month-Old Son After Christmas Tragedy

YouTuber Brittani Boren Leach and husband Jeff Leach are in mourning after their infant son passed away days after Christmas

By Mike Vulpo Dec 30, 2019 8:30 PMTags
Brittani Boren LeachInstagram

YouTube star Brittani Boren Leach and her husband Jeff Leach are grieving the loss of their three-month-old son Crew.

According to her Instagram, the couple's baby boy laid down for a nap on Christmas Day. When Brittani went to check on him, something was terribly wrong.

"When I went to check on him, he was not breathing. We are living a nightmare, and I'm dying inside. Please pray for my baby. This can't be real," she shared on Instagram.

Soon after, Brittani shared photos from the hospital room as she prayed for a miracle. Over the weekend, however, the YouTuber updated followers that difficult choices had to be made.

"Crew's tiny earthly body is still with us, although I know he's already dancing and playing in Heaven. We have some hard decisions to make over the next 12 hours, that no parent should ever have to make," she shared. "We need prayer now, more than before, specifically prayers for peace and clarity on the decisions that have to be made, and for our hearts, the pain is unbearable."

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On Sunday evening, Brittani announced that doctors will be taking Crew's organs for donations today.


"Crew will be going into the operating room tomorrow at noon to potentially save 3 to 4 babies lives. Tonight we are soaking up every moment with him by bathing him, holding him and loving him," she shared. "We ask that you keep our family in your prayers tomorrow, knowing that it will be the hardest day of our life."

Since the family first shared their story, a GoFundMe page has been created with more than $110,000 raised from followers and strangers alike.

"The doctors have concluded that the damage to Crew's brain is catastrophic & irreparable. We are devastated. We have made the difficult decision to donate Crew's organs in the hopes that he can help another child and family in need," Jeff shared on Facebook. "Crew fought bravely, so we could spend this time together. We're so blessed to have been here with him."

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He added, "We are grateful for our family and friends who have stepped up to care for us & our kids in this time of need. Thank you to everyone who visited him, sent a note, said a prayer or made a contribution. Your love has lifted us."

Before the tragedy, Brittani was able to celebrate the holidays with her extended family. In fact, she was able to share family photos on Instagram.

"Merry Christmas Eve from our very loud, crazy, and beautiful blended family. I cannot say ‘thank you' enough, for all the love you've shown us this year," she wrote on social media. "I hope you and your family have a VERY Merry Christmas."

Our thoughts and prayers  go out to Brittani and her family during this difficult time.

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