
How Charlize Theron Is Teaching Her Kids to Give Back

Charlize Theron told E! News how she teaches her kids, Jackson and August, to be of service to their community at Tuesday's fundraising event for the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project.

By kelli boyle Nov 14, 2019 5:25 PMTags

Charlize Theron knows the importance of giving back, and she's teaching it to her kids.

The mother of Jackson Theron, 7, and August Theron, 4, told E! News at a fundraising event supporting the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project on Tuesday that acts of service are a regular occurrence in her house.

"I make a real point that very often we go and do something that is about service of others," she shared. The Bombshell star then noted that practicing what you preach is what makes a life lesson stick. "When you put action to the words, the thing that you want your kids to learn, it's helpful," she said.

While the superstar famously keeps the lives of her children (whom she adopted in 2012 and 2015, respectively) private, Theron did reveal they love helping four-legged friends the most. As she divulged, "My kids love animals, and so they do a lot of volunteering at animal shelters. They clean up at shelters and things like that."

To put things simply, "We just try!" she added. "We just try to be of good service to our community."

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And she certainly succeeds! Tuesday's event—held at the Africa Center in New York City—was all about raising money for the 12-year-old charity, which supports the youth of her home country whose lives have been affected by HIV/AIDs.

"Tonight is a celebration of all things South Africa," the actress told E! News. "So, the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project launched in 2007, 12 years ago, in order to invest in young people in Africa and their ability to keep themselves safe from HIV and AIDs."

The 44-year-old then stressed the importance of empowering young women. "If you're a girl, you're four times more likely to become infected," she noted. "These young women, who could become the future global leaders of this world, that can better the world. And we know, for a fact, that women make this world better."

Also at the fundraiser was Amy Schumer (a new mom herself), who couldn't help but gush over her friend.

"Charlize is amazing," Schumer told E! News. "And I'm so proud to be here supporting her tonight. And yeah, she's unstoppable."

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