
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Apologize for "Hiccup" After Instagram Typo

The Internet notices everything—including an error.

By Samantha Schnurr Oct 16, 2019 4:15 PMTags
Prince Harry, Meghan Markle, South Africa TourChris Jackson/Getty Images

It seems Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's social media team caught wind of their error on Monday's post because they've since issued a correction and apology. "We post inspiring words like these so you can enjoy them, remember them, and share them—all the more reason to ensure they're accurate. We are reposting because of a typo in the previous quote card," an explanation in the caption read, signed by the "Sussex Digital Team."

"Apologies for the hiccup, and many thanks to those of you who flagged it for us! We do hope you'll keep and share these powerful words from Maya Angelou." 


Leave it to the Internet to point out a typo. 

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are not immune to online criticism and the latest example came on Monday when their official Instagram account kicked off the week with a quote from Maya Angelou. 

"Each time a women stands up for herself without knowing it possibly, without claiming it, she stands up for all women," the post read. 

"Maya Angelou was an American poet, singer, civil rights activist and was hailed as a new kind of memoirist—inspiring people around the world as one of the first African-American women who openly discussed their personal life in order to help others," the post's caption read. "These words, used in The Duchess' speech on the opening day of the Southern Africa Tour in Nyanga, South Africa, surrounded by the inspiring Mbokobo girls, should always be a reminder that no matter how big or small, your voice has a purpose."

While the message was an uplifting one, some fans and followers could not overlook an obvious error: the quote should have begun with "Each time a woman," not "Each time a women."

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"I love this! But it's 'WOMAN'" one commenter pointed out. "I'm so glad I'm not the only person frustrated by that!!" another replied. "Each time a woman," a third echoed. 

"Isn't there a spelling/ grammatical error in the first line? Shouldn't it be 'Each time a woman' and not each time a women?" a reader summarized. 

One fan came to Markle's defense, claiming, "Meghan definitely did not write this post." Another acknowledged mistakes happen. "And you live a mistake free life, or auto correct has never visited your perfect land. It's still the thoughts that count!!!" the person wrote. 

However the typo occurred, it seems like it was quite the honest mistake. 

Meanwhile, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex completed their royal tour of Southern Africa earlier this month and kicked off October on Instagram by highlighting the new accounts they're following as part of their monthly tradition, this time within the theme of "community."

"This month, in celebrating 'community,' we asked you to share your favorite organization from your neighborhood or around the world. We want to thank everyone who made a suggestion or kindly shared a positive story! We have now updated the accounts we follow for this month to reflect many of your suggestions! Thank you!" a caption read. "These organizations represent the shared value of togetherness—one that The Duke and Duchess experienced so deeply while on tour in Southern Africa...These accounts showcase what it means to be a community across all levels of society, working hard toward the goal of ensuring everyone, no matter what your background is, feels a part of something positive."

(Originally published Oct. 14, 2019 at 12:44 p.m. PST)

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