Here's Everything the Bachelor in Paradise Couples Did in Their First Week in Public—Including Break Up

Hannah and Dylan hit Paris! Dean and Caelynn slept in a van! Tayshia partied without JPJ! Whitney and Connor split!

By Tierney Bricker Sep 26, 2019 11:00 AMTags
Watch: Demi Burnett & Kristian Haggerty Are Engaged!

One week in Bachelor Nation is like one year in the real world. 

OK, maybe not, but it can feel that way, especially when you realize i was just one week ago that viewers watched as three couples got engaged on the Bachelor in Paradise season six finale, with three more exclusive relationships revealed during the reunion special. 

But as any diehard fan knows, not all relationships that begin on the beach are made to last and not every couple is likely to become the next Jade and Tanner or Carly and Evan. In the week since the finale aired, allowing all six BIP couples to go public with their relationships, they've all kept busy and kept fans up-to-date via social media on their adventures, including romantic getaways, interviews and just having their first meal together in public.

Alas, one of the couples didn't make it past the week, announcing their split just days after the reunion special aired. 

So what have all of the Bachelor in Paradise pairs been up to since their love stories played out? Let's break down for eventful weeks, couple-by-couple...

Bachelor in Paradise's Most "Scandalous" Moments

Demi Burnett and Kristian Haggerty 

In arguably BIP's most emotional engagement ever, Demi proposed to her girlfriend at the end of her historic journey, coming out as bisexual on the ABC reality hit's spinoff. And they aren't ruling out a TV wedding—"if it was free," Demi, 24, clarified. But they might be ready just to skip to the honeymoon, as Ellen DeGeneres gifted the couple with a post-nuptials trip to Bali when Demi was a guest on her show. 

"We goin' to Bali, baby!" a shocked Demi said to Kristian, who was sitting in the audience. 

Instagram/Demi Burnett

But what's in the immediate future for the fan-favorite pairing? 

"I think now we just date like normal people," Demi told E! News at the reunion taping, just after Kristian had proposed to her. "We don't have to hide from people, we can just go out and explore LA together." (On the night the reunion aired, the pair had an engagement party with their close friends.)

The two learned a lot about each other on Paradise, Demi continued, and actually got to a deeper level before the show. "Now we're just kind of learning how to work together with knowing how each other really is, and how the relationship is whenever it's this serious," she said.

Tayshia Adams and John Paul Jones

While they didn't leave Mexico as a couple, Tayshia soon realized she had still feelings for JPJ and made the grand gesture of going to Maryland to tell him how she felt. JPJ was thrilled and they became boyfriend-girlfriend, though John admitted to E! News he was still shocked by Tayshia's change of heart.

"No, I honestly wasn't expecting her to show up at my door," JPJ told us, noting he expected he'd hear from somebody else first if they were going to start down the road of reconciliation.

Tayshia said she wanted to see his reaction to her showing up and how he really felt. "I thought it'd be best to show up," she shared.

While JPJ told us the couple was looking forward to just enjoying life together—including bucket list items like a trip to Bali—Reality Steve reported on the day the finale aired that Tayshia and JPJ were actually already dunzo.

But Tayshia denied his reporting in the comments section on her Instagram account responding to a fan by saying he was "wrong." She responded to another commenter, "It's kinda bizarre! Always ready to harp on anything negative about me!...Reality Steve Who???"

Here's What Really Went Down Between Mike Johnson and Tayshia Adams in Las Vegas

When Tayshia attended the iHeart Radio Music Festival in Las Vegas sans JPJ, photos of her getting close to Mike Johnson raised eyebrows. But a source told E! News there is nothing going on between the two.

"Tayshia and John Paul Jones are still together," an insider shared. "Tayshia and Mike hung out in Las Vegas during the iHeartRadio Music Festival, but they were always with a bunch of stars from Bachelor Nation. They were chummy and getting along but not flirting."

As for why JPJ didn't go to Vegas with the crew? Practical reasons, which were detailed on The Ben and Ashley I. Almost Famous podcast, with producer Amy (who works for iHeartRadio) saying the logistics just didn't work out due to his real job (he's a financial analyst) and Tayshia only going for one night as she was leaving for Paris for an influencer trip.

Katie Morton and Chris Bukowski

Oof, this was kind of painful, as their proposal bliss was short-lived due to Katie immediately addressing issues in their relationship (sans engagement ring) during her chat with Chris Harrison

"I fell in love with potential that may never come to fruition, but I'm just praying it does," she said, tearfully. "I don't want to end things. I'm just conflicted. I want it to get better, but I want him to want it to be better." Chris eventually joined her on stage and seemed taken aback, especially by Katie not wearing her ring, which she ultimately put back on. 

ABC/John Fleenor

Though they didn't do press at the taping (Wonder why?), both Katie and Chris took to social media after the tense reunion segment aired to confirm they are still together and that their relationship has improved.

"Love is tough. Love is beautiful. Most importantly love is patient," he wrote alongside a photo of himself feeding his leading lady a slice of pizza. "Sometimes you need a shock to the system to put a fire under your ass. What I felt then I feel even more now. I love you @katieemo and can't wait to feed you pizza for the rest of our lives."

Katie, meanwhile, posted a lengthy caption about navigating life and her relationship post-show. 

"Because I'm happy with me and we are finally happy with us. We have grown so much in our friendship and now in our relationship since that day. Like I said to both of our parents and I will say to you- I can't promise you this relationship will be perfect (it won't be/ it isn't) and I can't promise we will last forever. Honestly, some relationships don't last after 20 years and some do, that's life," Katie wrote. "But what I can promise you is that I take this seriously, won't lose myself, I will always try my best, I will always keep it real, and we will have each other's backs."

After the rocky reunion, the couple went of their first "real world" date, enjoying dinner in New York City after a day of press. 

Currently long distance—with Chris, 32, living in Chicago and Katie, 26, based in LA—the couple has no immediate plans to move in together, though Chris travels to LA a lot and will "probably make [it] more of a short-term home until we figure out more of a long-term plan" he told Extra

While Chris and Katie have assured fans they are doing much better now, Katie's good friend Demi admitted on Ellen she's concerned about the couple and recommended they try couples counseling.

"I'm worried about Chris and Katie," she explained. "I know that Katie is an optimist and she sees the good. She gets glimpses of the good parts of Chris, but I think that Chris needs to step it up, like, if he wants to keep her. And I think that she needs to, you know, tell him to step it up—and I know that she is."

Bachelor & Bachelorette Status Check: Find Out Who's Still Together

Dylan Barbour and Hannah Godwin

Season six's most solid couple continues to be obsessed with each other, just even more publicly now that their proposal has finally aired.

Following the airing of the finale and reunion special, Dylan and Hannah did a mini-joint press tour, with his good friend and Bachelor Nation fan-favorite Tyler Cameron even joining in on the fun.

"Doing things outside would be fun," Hannah shared. "No, but really, just enjoying being engaged, enjoying being able to be public with things. It's been fun being private and being in this bubble, but I think we're really excited to live real life."

So far, that's included a romantic trip to Paris before the couple moves in together.

Caelynn Miller-Keyes and Dean Unglert

A tale as old as time, the "dirtbag and his beauty queen." After they left Paradise together in dramatic fashion when Dean, 28, made the grand gesture of returning to the beach after breaking up with Caelynn days prior, the couple is still together and living that van life. 

"I've slept in the van a couple nights. It's been great," Caelynn told us at the reunion special of finally getting to see Dean's infamous van (his home) in-person. "I love it. I'm surprised, but I actually love it."

Since the show ended, they've taken trips to Mexico and Spain, and attended the iHeartRadio music festival in Las Vegas as a couple, though Caelynn, 24, has since jetted off to Paris for an influencer trip with Tayshia. 

Still, they've yet to take one major step in their relationship: they don't follow each other in Instagram. 

"I don't like doing what's expected of me and I feel that with couples, especially those coming out of this franchise, we're expected to follow each other on Instagram, do interviews together to have this happy couple image," Dean explained to Us Weekly. "I want to break out of that mold and be the couple that never does interviews together, doesn't follow each other on Instagram."


Whitney Fransway and Connor Saeli

Like a money on the sun, their end-of-Paradise romance was just too hot to live.

While their mini-love story played out in the final BIP episodes, with Whitney arriving on the beach just as Connor, 28, left because he believed she wasn't coming after they had connected (aka had a conversation) at Chris and Krystal's wedding; of course, she chased after him, knocking on his hotel room door and the two swimsuit-clad kids kissed and connected some more.

Alas, long distance proved too much for the new couple, who confirmed their split days after the reunion special aired.

"Connor and I hit it off and had instant sparks. When we left Paradise, we wanted to explore our relationship further," Whitney, 24, told E! News in a statement. "Living in different cities made things tricky and we eventually realized it just wasn't working. We care so much about each other and have so much respect for each other."

They'll always have...that brief time in that hotel room at the Vidanta resort in Mexico?

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