Granger Smith Honors Late Son River With Charitable T-Shirt

Singer's youngest child tragically passed away earlier this month

By Jess Cohen Jun 17, 2019 6:51 PMTags

Granger Smith is paying tribute to his late son, River Kelly Smith.

Earlier this month, the singer took to social media to share the heartbreaking news of his youngest child's death. "I have to deliver unthinkable news. We've lost our youngest son, River Kelly Smith," he wrote in a message to his followers. "Following a tragic accident, and despite doctor's best efforts, he was unable to be revived."

Granger went on to share that he and his wife Amber Smith "made the decision to say our last goodbyes and donate his organs so that other children will be given a second chance at life."

"Our family is devastated and heartbroken, but we take solace in knowing he is with his Heavenly Father," he continued. "Riv was special. Everyone that met him knew that immediately."

"The joy he brought to our lives cannot be expressed and his light will be forever in our hearts," Granger wrote. "If there are words to say more, I cannot find them in this moment. Love the ones close to you. There has never been a more difficult moment for us than this."

Yee Yee Apparel

Granger and Yee Yee Apparel are now honoring River with a tribute T-shirt, available for $21.99.

"100% of the proceeds from this shirt will go to Dell Children's Medical Center in honor of River Kelly Smith," the description for the shirt reads. "River was Amber and Granger Smith's youngest son who tragically passed away on June 6, 2019. He was cared for by the wonderful staff at Dell Children's before he passed away. Dell Children's is the only dedicated freestanding pediatric facility in Central Texas and serves 46 counties and then some. We feel like it's only right to give something back to the people who were so good to the Granger Smith family."

The website notes, "This shirt has a Yee Yee Excavator on it (Riv's favorite thing to do was watch excavators scoop up dirt) and is red- Riv's favorite color."

So far, the donations raised for Dell Children's Medical Center total $105,070.

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