Meghan Markle's Mom Doria Ragland Reportedly Arrives in London as Due Date Nears

Duchess of Sussex is due any day now

By Lena Grossman Apr 21, 2019 11:04 PMTags
Meghan Markle, Doria RaglandSteve Parsons/Pool Photo via AP

Doria Ragland has flown across the pond from Los Angeles to London as Meghan Markle's due date grows closer by the minute, multiple outlets report

Kensington Palace shared in a statement in October that Ragland "is very happy about this lovely news, and she looks forward to welcoming her first grandchild."

The question remains when Meghan will give birth, but Kensington Palace said in October as part of her pregnancy announcement that the Duchess of Sussex was due "in the Spring of 2019."

The former Suits star shared a few more specifics in January when she and her husband Prince Harry were on a walkabout in Merseyside. She said at the time that she was about six months pregnant, which put her due date towards the end of April and early May.

We're getting there!

The U.K. has been immersed with royal baby fever ever since the October announcement that was made during their royal tour in Australia and the South Pacific.

Two Roads to a Royal Birth: Why Meghan Markle's Baby Plans Are Not a Reflection on Kate Middleton's

However, Meghan and Prince Harry are diverting from some royal traditions. Unlike Prince William and Kate Middleton, Meghan and Harry are remaining tight-lipped about their birth plans. There's a chance that Meghan will not give birth at the Lindo Wing at St. Mary's Hospital, which is where Harry and William were born as well as Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

Kensington Palace explained their decision to keep this information close to home in a statement a few weeks ago.

"The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very grateful for the goodwill they have received from people throughout the United Kingdom and around the world as they prepare to welcome their baby," Kensington Palace said on April 11.

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The statement continued, "Their Royal Highnesses have taken a personal decision to keep the plans around the arrival of their baby private. The Duke and Duchess look forward to sharing the exciting news with everyone once they have had an opportunity to celebrate privately as a new family."

That means there may not be the same type of debut and photo-op that we saw with the birth of Prince William and Kate's three kids and prior royals. This decision to do so has reportedly upset a handful of Britons.

But Meghan and Harry have been following their own royal rules for quite some time. In February, it was reported that Prince Harry and Prince William would be splitting their royal duties. In March, the Queen "agreed to the creation of a new household" for the parents-to-be.

The Queen's statement added that it was a "long-planned move."

Additionally, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex recently changed households from Kensington Palace to the more spacious Frogmore Cottage in Windsor.  They moved into Frogmore earlier in the month and there's the possibility that Meghan will give birth at one of the more local hospitals in the area.

Looks like it'll be key to keep tabs on the new Sussex Royal Instagram page that Meghan may be running herself. The royal family's schedule could be offering up some subtle clues, too.

Until then, we'll be eagerly awaiting this royal baby!

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