John Mayer Reveals the Intimate Thing He Must Do Every Day

See what the singer just revealed to Ellen DeGeneres

By Jess Cohen Mar 01, 2019 5:05 PMTags
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John Mayer is getting personal with Ellen DeGeneres.

The 41-year-old "I Guess I Just Feel Like It" singer appeared on Friday's episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show, where he opened up about his personal life in the host's "Burning Questions" segment. During the game, Mayer was asked to reveal the three things he must do every single day, one of which surprised DeGeneres.

"Oh man, I have to make coffee before the breakfast is done in the microwave. That's game number one," Mayer told DeGeneres, adding that he also has to work out. "And I have to look at naked people."

John Mayer's Surprising Dating History

"Where are they?" DeGeneres replied, laughing. "Every day?"

"Every day," Mayer confirmed.

Mayer, who has dated A-list stars like Jennifer Aniston and Jessica Simpson, was also asked if he's ever dated a celebrity that the world doesn't know about, which he replied, "No."

"We know everything about you," DeGeneres told Mayer.

Watch the video above to see Mayer reveal more personal details, like his first celebrity crush!

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