27 Alternate Titles for Frozen 2

We'll never let it goooooo!

By Julia Hays Mar 12, 2015 6:57 PMTags
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Look, we're never going to let this go, OK?

Disney has announced that a Frozen sequel is in the works. Choirs of children rejoice, while parents dread more years of expensive merch and hitting the repeat button on their iPods.

Hollywood is the land of franchises, so the Internet is totally ready to assist Disney with some exciting title ideas for the surefire hit.

Here's what we think Disney could call Anna and Elsa's next adventure...

Frozen 2: The Origin of Frozone (Where Is My Super Suit?!)

Frozen 2: Disney Is Never Letting It Go

Frozen 2: The Return of Adele Dazeem

Ice Age 6

Frozen 2 & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Icicles

Frozen 2: The Frozen-ing

Frozen 2: We Own Your Kids for Five More Years

Frozen 2: Unfreeze Your Heart

Frozen 2: The Freeze Awakens

Frozen 2: Who Cares What We Call It, You'll Totally Still Pay Money to See This

2 Frozen 2 Furious

Frozen 2: Still Chillin'

Frozen 2: The Thawing of Elsa

Frozen 2: Freeze Cold With A Vengeance

Frozen 2: The Longest Winter

Frozen 2: Ice of You to Return

Frozener: To Celsius and Back

A Very Frozen Sequel

Frozen 2: Absolute Zero…Chance This Is Going to Be Good

How To Freeze Your Sister 2

Frozen 2: Icicle Boogaloo