
Empire's Final Five Episodes of Season 3 Look Straight-Up Insane & We're Here for It

Exclusive! Who's popping the question in this sneak peek at what's to come on the Fox hit?

By Billy Nilles Apr 20, 2017 12:59 AMTags

Oh, Empire, you gloriously insane work of art. You never disappoint.

As the series prepares to make its final descent into crazytown with the final five episodes of season three, they're showing no signs of holding back on the sort of unhinged theatrics we've come to know and love from Lee Daniels and Co. But don't take our word for it. Just check out this first look at the epic episodes, exclusive to E! News before airing at the end of tonight's episode. And trust us when we say, this trailer has everything.

Let Empire's Cookie Inspire You With These Epic Motivational Posters
Chuck Hodes/FOX

There's Andre (Trai Beyers) getting up close and person with Eva Longoria's state gaming commission director. (Look away, Ghost Rhonda!) There's Hakeem (Bryshere Y. Gray) embarking on a threesome in his jacuzzi. There's Taye Diggs' Angelo apparently popping to question to Cookie (Taraji P. Henson). There's a glance of Demi Moore in her much buzzed about finale guest spot. There's Clair Huxtable herself, Phylicia Rashad, telling Cookie her entire family will burn to the ground. There's an explosion. There's Nia Long's Giuliana offering enough sass to Cookie to make us wonder if those rumors about friction between the actresses on the set might have an ounce of truth to them...

And, of course, there's Cookie being Cookie which just never gets old. Never change, Cookie. Never.

For a closer look at all the insanity ahead, be sure to check out the trailer above.

Empire airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on Fox.

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