That Was the Most Confusingly Meta Episode of Dr. Ken, Thanks to Dan Harmon and Community

We missed you, Community.

By Lauren Piester Apr 01, 2017 1:00 AMTags
Dr. Ken, season finaleABC

In case real-life medical doctor turned actor Ken Jeong's show about Ken Park, a medical doctor who also wants to be an actor, wasn't meta enough for you, tonight's season finale of Dr. Ken really took things to a whole new level. 

In the episode, Ken got a call from TV producer Dan Harmon (played by the real TV producer Dan Harmon), asking him to audition for his new show about a community college. The role was supposed to be a school nurse who was only in one episode before getting hit by a bus (which is so very Community), and as expected, Ken went a little overboard with his five basic doctor lines in his audition.

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He basically scared the crap out of guest star Alison Brie, and while he thought he bombed the audition after lamenting how he wasn't being given an opportunity to really show off his range and then walking out, but Harmon then called him and cast him in every episode as an insane Spanish teacher. 

Ken had a moment of wondering if he really should take the part or stick with being a doctor, but his family and coworkers told him to go for it even though he'd immediately be replaced at the hospital, so he did. Cut to Ken in front of a classroom full of students, including Brie and Community's Garrett (Erik Charles Nielsen), just going full on Chang. 

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It was clear the other actors and crew were not into Ken's performance and inability to stop laughing, and in fact, the season ended with Harmon and Brie joke about calling John Cho, but what happens next? We'd guess Ken will be fired, but that felt like a real scene of Chang on Community, even with the laughter. Could Ken keep the job? Has Dr. Ken secretly always been the story of how Ken Jeong became the actor he is today?

Or does Ken get fired, and we get a glimpse of a reality in which John Cho played an insane Spanish teacher on Community? Is Community just starting over on ABC? Is the study group rolling dice again? What is happening?! 

Also, why was Seth Rogen randomly there? And why do studio lots on TV shows always feature people rolling giant set pieces around and wearing chicken costumes? Who knew an episode of Dr. Ken could bring up so many questions? 

Dr. Ken airs on ABC. 

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