The Good Fight Premiere Is Exactly What We Needed: In Diane Lockhart We Trust

Christine Baranski gets her moment in the spotlight on the CBS All Access Drama

By Chris Harnick Feb 20, 2017 2:00 AMTags
Christine Baranski, The Good FightCBS

Court is back in session and honestly it couldn't be better. The Good Fight, the spinoff of The Good Wife you never knew you needed until you heard it was happening, brought Christine Baranski back as Diane Lockhart. She's dropping f-bombs and getting the spotlight she so sorely deserved after seven seasons as a supporting player to Julianna Margulies' Alicia Florrick.

The show picked up a year after the events of The Good Wife finale. Diane is now all slapped out and Alicia Florrick is nowhere to be found. Cush Jumbo's Lucca Quinn has moved on to a new firm after her role in exposing Diane's marriage problems in open court, Maia Rindell (Rose Leslie), Diane's goddaughter, has a new gig at Lockhart, Deckler, Gussman, Lee, Lyman, Gilbert, Lurie, Kagan, Tannebaum and Associates (yes, the firm has a new name, of course). And oh yeah, Diane wanted to retire.

The Good Fight First Look: Return to the World of The Good Wife

"I'm ready to live my life. Write a memoir, take a deep breath," Diane said.

I would read a Diane Lockhart memoir in a heartbeat. Also a Christine Baranski one, so that should happen too. Diane's going to retire and move to France! Except she doesn't. You know what happens.

A financial scam with Maia's dad (Paul Guilfoyle) at the helm wiped out all of her finances, and could mess with Kurt's (Gary Cole). In the premiere, we finally learn whether or not Kurt was sleeping with students (Megan Hilty how could you?!) and the McHart couple now lives separated. Divorce would save Kurt's finances from the mess, but he's not ready to give up on them. Eventually Diane and Maia leave Lockhart, Deckler, Gussman… and join Lucca's firm.


What's Lucca been up to? Apparently sharpening her skills while bedding a hot naked guy and cutting ties with Alicia. But she didn't say goodbye to Alicia without learning a thing or two from her former law partner—she shared advice with Maia.

"I had a friend, went through the same thing. Said it was hell for a few months. Harden yourself; ignore what people say. Keep your head down and keep working…Work is your friend, don't watch TV, don't look at the internet. Have a book? Then read it, keep it with you at all times. Don't give them the satisfaction of making eye contact. It's hard, but it ends," Lucca said.

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The Good Fight premiere, "Inauguration," was full of nods to the past, like Diane's picture dancing with Will Gardner (Josh Charles), and Lucca's subtle mentions to Alicia. Where is Alicia? I'm shocked to say I didn't miss her. It's Diane's time to shine and that's damn fine.

The Good Fight somehow appeared more polished than its predecessor. The picture quality, the sets, the outfits, the language. Oh, the language. How refreshing was it to hear Diane Lockhart let it out with some expletives? Perhaps just a tad overshadowed by Jumbo's Lucca shouting, "F—K OFF!" in defense of Maia. I look forward to this friendship. Delroy Lindo and Erica Tazel are welcome additions to The Good world. Hopefully their dynamic will be as well-developed as Will and Diane's in The Good Wife.


As if one episode featuring The New Adventures of Diane Lockhart wasn't enough, a second episode dropped on CBS All Access after the premiere aired on CBS proper. Lucca's side eye was back in full force, elevator scenes returned and there was decidedly more comedy.

The dynamic between Adrian and Barbara and Diane immediately feels like Will, Diane and Alicia from the start of The Good Wife, which is obviously purposeful.

Diane's in a new place, unsure of her place, dealing with a life in shambles. The second episode featured the scene between Diane and Lenore (Bernadette Peters) that fans will be craving. Here's to many more scenes between Baranski and Peters, because come on, they're two of the greats.

The case of week two was a class action lawsuit that brought Michael Boatman, Christine Lahti and Denis O'Hare's characters back. Maia lost her case—her first loss—but it pales in comparison to the struggle she's faced with her family's scandal.

The last twist? Spoiler alert! Maia's mother is sleeping with the brother-in-law—the man who may be responsible for the whole scheme.

Gasp count (they're back!): First episode: Two, one tied to the below count.
Second episode: One.

Expletive count: First episode: Five f—ks, one bulls—t.
Second episode: Three, four if you count text messages.

The Good Fight will premiere new episodes Sundays on CBS All Access.

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