New Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Trailer Shines Spotlight on New Droid K-2SO

The standalone film is set for release on Dec. 16

By Corinne Heller Nov 26, 2016 9:54 PMTags

C-3PO, you have met your match. And he's actually a badass and he isn't annoying at all.

A new trailer for the standalone film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, released Friday, shines the spotlight on K-2SO.

The human-size droid, voiced by Alan Tudyk, is an Imperial security droid reprogrammed to serve the Rebel Alliance. He is touted for his ability to blend in at Imperial installations and outposts.

In the trailer, the droid shows us he's certainly a force (pun intended) to be reckoned with—he is seen killing a group of Stormtroopers with a single blast.

"I'll be there for you. The captain said I had to," he tells Jyn, played by main star Felicity Jones, referring to Diego Luna's Captain Andor.


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Walt Disney Studios / Lucasfilm

The movie takes place in a time between Star Wars: Episode III—Revenge of the Sith and the original film, Star Wars: Episode IV—A New Hope and focuses on the formation of the Rebel Alliance and their mission to steal the plans to the Death Star.

Rogue One also stars Mads MikkelsenForest Whitaker and Jimmy Smits, who reprises his role of Bail Organa, Leia's adoptive father. And the movie also features, yes, Darth Vader.

Rogue One hits theaters on Dec. 16.

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