Gigi Hadid Reveals What She Eats in a Typical Day

Supermodel tells Harper's Bazaar about her favorite eateries in New York City

By Zach Johnson Sep 13, 2016 4:25 PMTags

It's no secret that Gigi Hadid is a major foodie.

The 21-year-old supermodel documents a typical day for the October issue of Harper's Bazaar, and in it, she details just how much she loves to eat. Most mornings, Hadid will wake up around 7 a.m. "I usually eat breakfast or have coffee before I do anything," the New York City-based beauty says. "I live near the Smile, and I love their scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. I drink orange juice and coffee always. At home I love scrambled eggs and toast; it's just an easy go-to. My boyfriend, being British, got me into breakfast beans, so that's what I've been eating lately."

Hadid—a lifelong equestrian and high school volleyball player—hits up Gotham Gym in the West Village at 9 a.m. for round of boxing. By lunchtime (usually around noon), her appetite is raging. "My personal motto is: 'Eat clean to stay fit, have a burger to stay sane,' so if I'm in the mood I'll go to JG Melon in the West Village," she says. If she's craving something a healthier, Hadid will head back to the Smile. "They have a little arugula salad that I could eat every day."

As for her afternoon snack? "There used to be an Emack & Bolio's on Houston Street, which is my favorite ice-cream place. I love the Grasshopper Pie," she says of the trendy shop, which has multiple locations in the United States. "I would walk past it on my way to the gym every day, but one day it was closed and I almost cried. Now I'll just Postmate pints of it to my apartment."

Dinnertime calls for "drinks with friends"—if she's going out on the town, that is. "I love Bond Street for sushi." Sometimes it's nice to say in, and Hadid is happy "to cook and watch a movie." And sing, of course. Belting Broadway tunes makes her "the worst neighbor," she jokes, but it's "a good stress reliever." Her go-to song is "Popular" from the musical Wicked. "I know at some point someone's going to ask me to do this, and that's the only one I'm willing to do publicly," Hadid admits. "My boyfriend [Zayn Malik] gets into it too. He's a big goofball. We laugh a lot."

The October issue of Harper's Bazaar is on newsstands Sept. 20.

Karl Lagerfeld/Harper's Bazaar

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