Marilyn Manson Defends Johnny Depp Following Divorce Drama: "I Would Stand By Him"

Lily-Rose Depp’s Godfather thinks the actor was “crucified” in the press

By Mike Vulpo Sep 05, 2016 1:15 AMTags

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard may have reached a settlement in their divorce, but it won't stop Marilyn Manson from sharing his thoughts on the ordeal.

In a new interview with The Daily Beast, the rocker explained his bond with the actor while also expressing his disappointment on the scrutiny put on his friend.

"Lily-Rose is my goddaughter and I was there when [his son] Jack was born, so we go back," he shared with the publication. "Johnny is one of the nicest people that I know—to the extent where it's almost heartbreaking how kind he is to his friends, and everyone around him. I know that he was completely crucified—unjustly."

He continued, "I would stand by him on anything."

Just a few weeks ago, Amber and Johnny reached a divorce settlement out of court, just one day before the estranged pair was scheduled to appear before a judge for a hearing.

Johnny Depp & Amber Heard: Romance Rewind
John Salangsang/BFA/REX Shutterstock

The Pirates of the Caribbean star had agreed to pay his ex-wife approximately $7 million. Amber would later request to have all the money donated to charity including the ACLU and Children's Hospital Los Angeles.

"Our relationship was intensely passionate and at times volatile, but always bound by love. Neither party has made false accusations for financial gain. There was never any intent of physical or emotional harm," the couple said in a statement to E! News. "Amber wishes the best for Johnny in the future. Amber will be donating financial proceeds from the divorce to a charity. There will be no further public statements about this matter."

As both parties try to move forward with their lives, Marilyn told The Daily Beast that Johnny is "handling it the best he can and he's a great dad, too."

The rocker also finds "joy" in how Johnny's kids are turning out to be.

"It fills me with joy to see his kids grow up and be so smart, and so hilarious," he shared. "[Me and Johnny] played a show together not too long ago. It's hard to say when you talk about your friends. Of course I think that all of it was bulls--t, and I think that he is a great person. I wouldn't agree with any of it if someone were to put me on the stand and ask me what I know, or what I've witnessed."

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