Amber Rose Gives Advice for Co-Parenting With an Ex

Glamour model shares one son with ex Wiz Khalifa

By Francesca Bacardi Jul 06, 2016 7:35 PMTags
Amber Rose, Cannes LionStephen Lock/i-Images/PacificCoastNews

Amber Rose has a reality show premiering later this week, but she's already doling out some of her best advice.

In a Q&A with fans, courtesy of Buzzfeed, Rose answered everyone's toughest questions, from advice she would give to single parents to how she plans on teaching her son, Sebastian, to be a feminist. When asked by a Facebook user what her best advice would be for single moms, Rose said co-parenting.

"Women are just naturally smarter, so if you just really take the high road in every situation, especially with a separation or a divorce or something, if you're always the bigger person, the nicer person in the situation, eventually they'll come around and it'll be the best thing that could ever happen for your baby," she said. "Try to have family days with your kid's father, that's the best thing for your baby."

Rose shared that Sebastian's best moments are when he's spending time with both her and dad Wiz Khalifa. Although it might be easy for exes to spiral into a fight, Rose recommended that former couples try to focus on their children. "My son is the happiest when he's around me and his dad at the same time. Just push for that—don't bring up old s--t, don't bring up anything that happened in your relationship—just worry about your baby," she added.

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And when it comes to her young Sebastian, Rose runs a tight ship. No matter what he chooses to do in life, Rose said the most important thing is that he respects women. "I want to teach him to be a feminist. I want him to know that he needs to show women respect, he knows to show people respect," she said.

"He needs to put 150 percent into everything he does—there's no 'I can't' in my house. My son knows from the gate if he wants to take on something, like a sport or the piano or the guitar or whatever the case may be, that he really needs to focus on it and follow [it] all the way through."

Sebastian might only be three, but it looks like he's going to turn into quite the gentleman with Rose's guidance.

To hear more about Rose's experience with co-parenting, watch the video. 

Watch: Amber Rose Talks Parenting With Wiz Khalifa
Amber Rose's Most Revealing Photos

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