Prince Harry's Invictus Games Come to an End: "This Has Never Been About the Medals"

"What meant the most to me, was handing out your Invictus Foundation medallions this evening," he said

By Francesca Bacardi May 13, 2016 2:09 PMTags
Prince HarryChris Jackson/Getty Images for Invictus

The Invictus Games have come to an end, and so we must say goodbye (for now) to Prince Harry.

The redheaded royal closed out his Paralympic-style games Thursday after five days of tough, but fun sporting events. The five-day event in Orlando, Florida, might have come to an end, but Prince Harry reflected on the week's emotional moments to help keep the spirit alive. "Wow, what a ride the last four days has been—I said you would be moved, inspired and entertained—was I right? As the great Stevie Wonder says: Team work makes the dream work!" he began his closing speech.

But what he wanted everyone—competitors and viewers alike—to remember, was that the message behind the event was far more important than the medals handed out. "I've been hugely honored to hand out gold silver and bronze medals over the course of this competition, but what meant the most to me, was handing out your Invictus Foundation medallions this evening," he continued.

Chris Jackson/Getty Images for Invictus

"Those medallions are the real prizes, for the years of intense rehabilitation you've put yourselves through to be here. The competition has been fierce with performances of the highest international standard across a number of events. But what inspired me, was the courage to make it to the starting line, to take to the field or to dive into that pool, motivated by the goal of giving your all—medal or no medal."

Whether someone won or lost, Prince Harry reminded each person what his participation really meant. "You showed your families, your friends and yourselves, just how far you've come, regardless of the result," he said. "I know by your nature you all want to win, but these games are so much more than that—Invictus is so much more than that."

The rugged royal even called out specific people by name, lauding them for their recovery efforts. "What could explain the remarkable sportsmanship of Mark Urquart in sacrificing gold on the track to push Stephen Simmons into first place? Invictus! How else could I describe the way I felt seeing Tim Payne, a man I met three years ago to the day, in his hospital bed at Walter Reed, beaming as he wore his gold medal round his neck? Invictus!" he emotionally told the crowd.

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Chris Jackson/Getty Images for Invictus

"What defines the spirit of Denmark's Jonas Andersen, who loaded the coffin of his friend onto the flight which changed my life in 2008, and then fought through his own dark days to compete in London and Orlando? Invictus!"

Before the closing ceremony, however, Prince Harry attended one final event between the U.S. and the U.K.

"Fair enough, USA, I'll give it to you," he said of America's basketball win. "But let me remind you, this has never been about the medals. This is about sharing experiences and literally watching lives change in front of you. We're the lucky ones to have witnessed it together."

Prince Harry: Royal and Rugged

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