How Sam Messina's Moouse Media Combines Passion and Opportunities for Young People

If a business wants trendy content that caters to a younger audience, they turn to Moouse Media.

By Gabriella Rodriguez With HK Mar 10, 2023 2:00 PMTags
Ascend Agency, Sam Messina


Everyone knows that old adage: Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. And it's a nice motto to live by, except the reality works differently.

Choosing to pursue a passion usually means much less money than we would get if we chose that well-paying job that would bore us to death. And even though our passion fuels us, money issues can quickly lead down a path of exasperation. Not to mention the numerous obstacles that could be found on this self-discovery path — obstacles that could deter and sway even the most resilient minds.

However, there is a sliver of hope for all young dreamers and visionaries out there who set their sights on pursuing their passion and changing the world. The hope comes in the form of Sam Messina's helping hand. And it all started when this 26-year-old entrepreneur discovered the necessity of a bond between purpose and opportunities after a brush with death.

During his college days, playing hockey and pursuing education was everything Sam had in life. His plan was to get his degree, play some hockey for a few years, and maybe go semi-pro. After that, he would probably go on to find a job in one of the industries, but then his brain exploded.

"It happened so quickly. One moment, I was at home, minding my own business, and then I sneezed," he says. "Next thing you know, I was in the hospital getting prepped for brain surgery. It seems that I sneezed so hard that one of the blood vessels in my brain exploded."

This unfortunate event in his life turned his student days into hell. At that moment, everything that was an integral part of his life wasn't available anymore. Playing hockey — not a chance; studying — he was still in recovery; going out with friends — yup, you guessed it, he was still in recovery.

As days started to turn more and more miserable, Sam decided to drop out of college, but that's when he found his lifeline. "I spent a long time searching for my passions and purposes in life after my surgery. But then I stumbled upon and rediscovered my love for the camera," he says.

Fueled by a reignited passion, Sam decided to focus all his energy on starting a business, and soon after, Moouse Media LLC was born: a content creation agency that specializes in creating and distributing video content. As Sam points out, if a business wants trendy content that caters to a younger audience, they turn to Moouse Media.

However, even though he had a company up and running, Sam's vision and mission weren't even remotely finished. With Moouse Media's resources in his pocket, he embarked on another adventure to build his second venture. And just like the first one, his second venture inherited his nickname as well, and Moouse University was born.

It was one of Sam's minor goals for his future — one person, one brand. "I've been trying to build my life around the Moouse name," says Sam. "My idea is to be one-of-a-kind," adding that his experience of being a clueless college kid served as the conceptual backbone for the entire Moouse brand.

"The question on my mind was, 'How can we help other students in a similar situation to feel more confident?' and I came up with an idea to create a space where anyone could come and pursue their passion carefreely."

Sam adds that the goal behind the Moouse brand is not only to provide support and a helping hand to all people who want to nurture their videography passion but to provide them with opportunities for realization and achievement. As he explains, it is a way to show his gratitude for life and all the eventful and uneventful moments he has experienced.

"This may sound crazy, but I'm glad for the sneeze, the brain aneurysm, and the surgery that forced me to drop out," says Sam. "But how can I be beyond happy that life threw the biggest lemon in my face? It's simple. Without those events, I wouldn't get to where I am today, and I wouldn't be in a position to help others change their lives for the better."

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