
See the Botched Docs Meet a Patient With Shark Bite-Sized Hole in His Abdomen

By Samantha Bergeson May 25, 2021 3:00 PMTags
Watch: Man With Shark-Bite-Sized Hole on Abdomen Has 2 Options

Dr. Terry Dubrow may have bitten off more than he can chew. 

The Botched surgeon and partner Dr. Paul Nassif take on Donnie, a patient who is suffering from shark bite-sized injury, in this preview from tonight's new episode. An accident left a huge chunk missing from Donnie's abdomen and his hips wildly disproportional. 

"So the question is, what's missing?" Dr. Dubrow asks in the exclusive preview while examining Donnie. "Basically you have some remnant of muscle here. You have nothing right here. It's pure skin graft on bone."

Dubrow continues to discuss Donnie's "soft tissue remnants" that hopefully would aide in surgery. "Even if I could sort of make this look normal—or normal-ish—is it going to look like this?" Dubrow rhetorically asks while pointing at Donnie's unaffected side.

The "very complex" procedure all hinges on what is underneath Donnie's injury. "I won't know what the area is until I get in there, remove the skin graft and figure out where the tissue is, what it's composed of and how to bring it together to give him a reasonable symmetrical result," Dubrow says in a confessional.

Botched Patients Before and After: Shocking Transformations!

Dubrow is at a crossroads in how to treat the injury: He can either remove the skin graft and "bring the edges together," or make a full incision across Donnie's entire abdomen wall. If Donnie opts for the skin graft removal, Dubrow warns the skin will be tight and still be indented, looking different than his other side.


The alternative incision will "have a better shot at matching the left side," Dubrow explains. "It's a tummy tuck on a guy."

Yet with a larger surgery comes more complications. "I'm willing to go after it if you're willing to go after it," Dubrow proposes to Donnie. 

So what will Donnie decide? See the shocking clip above for all the details on his procedure!


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