
Bling Empire's Christine Chiu Was This Close to Becoming a Real Housewife

By Allison Crist Feb 02, 2021 8:03 PMTags

Where do Christine Chiu and Anna Shay stand after their tumultuous first season of Bling Empire

E! News' Justin Sylvester asked Christine this very question on Tuesday, Feb. 2's Daily Pop, and considering everything that went down between the high society frenemies on the Netflix series—ahem, Necklacegate—her answer might surprise you. 

"I love Anna," the reality TV star admitted. "I think her game-playing is so much fun. And I hope everybody had a good laugh and chuckle out of it. I know we did."

"We all need a little escapism during this time," Christine added, further dismissing her and Anna's constant back-and-forth as a "silly cat-and-mouse" game. "And what's sillier than frivolous and petty 'rich people problems?'"

While the Bling Empire star can now admit to being a bit facetious on the show, watching it back made her realize something.

"I am saddened though to see and notice that I do have a tough, overly and unnecessarily glossy exterior oftentimes," Christine told E! News. "I think it's due to the pressures from a very young age to be perfect—thinking you need to be perfect to earn love, to never let them see you crack, the pressure to not disappoint, the feeling of never being good enough—that I have been overcompensating with this rougher façade." 

A Closer Look at the Bling Empire Cast

"Through Bling Empire, I am learning more about vulnerability and opening up and that it's okay and actually quite therapeutic," she continued. "I am working on letting go, letting my hair down, and just living."


Will this new approach to life lead to Christine changing her mind about having a second child? 

Maybe. As fans surely recall, Christine's husband Dr. Gabriel Chiu is determined to give their son, Gabriel III (aka "Baby G"), a sibling.

"We have gotten a lot of solicitations to be our surrogate from the show," Christine revealed. "And I know baby G would like a sibling because he is starting to talk to himself, which worries me a little bit."

"So I don't know, maybe season two," she teased.

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Netflix hasn't announced whether or not Bling Empire has been renewed for a second season, but we have a feeling that Christine was made for reality TV. After all, she almost starred on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

"I almost joined season four," she said on Daily Pop. "But unfortunately, we had a death in the family, and I didn't feel like I could bring the best of me to the show."

Admittedly, Christine is "a much better spectator of Real Housewives than a participant."

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Hear more from Christine and watch her play the game "Budget Friendly or Budget Buster?" in the above Daily Pop clip.

Bling Empire is now streaming on Netflix.

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