
The Wilds' Helena Howard Sounds Off on That Jaw-Dropping Reveal & the Fate of Her Character

For an exclusive chat with E! News, The Wilds' Helena Howard discussed the fate of her character, cast reactions and more.

By Alyssa Ray Jan 22, 2021 10:50 PMTags
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The double agent we never saw coming.

Just when we thought The Wilds couldn't surprise viewers more, the last two episodes revealed that soft-spoken Nora (played by Helena Howard) was the second mole teased throughout the season. For those unfamiliar with the Prime Video series, The Wilds follows a group of teenage girls who are deserted on an island after their plane crashed while heading to an empowerment retreat.

However, the girls survived for a reason as they're actually a part of a social experiment, the Dawn of Eve. When the initial mole (Chi Nguyen), whose undercover name was Jeanette Dao, died from internal bleeding, organizer Gretchen Klein (Rachel Griffiths) chose to move forward with the experiment as they had another informant on the ground.

While we learned in episode nine that Nora was the experiment's "confederate," Helena exclusively revealed to E! News that she knew about her character's betrayal from day one.

"From the pilot," she shared. "I knew from the beginning."

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What you may not realize is that the pilot was filmed back in 2018. Talk about a long time to keep a secret!

As for her co-stars, who include Sophia Ali, Shannon Berry, Jenna Clause, Reign Edwards, Mia Healey, Erana James and Sarah Pidgeon, the identity of the other confederate was a "guessing game."

"So, we all knew that there were two confederates, two operatives," Helena detailed. "And, you know, Jeanette was the one that everyone knew. Everyone was trying to guess who the other one was and that was the biggest secret."

Matt Klitscher/Amazon Studios

Per Helena, some of her co-stars began guessing that her character was the mole. She recalled, "I'd be like, 'Shh! Don't tell anyone.'"

Apparently, it was Shannon who was the last to know about Helena's character's covert mission.

"So, she'd be like, 'I wonder who it is? Uh, who is it?'" Helena said with a laugh. "And then she finally found out that it was me and she's like, 'Ahhh.'"

On why her character was the best pick for the confederate role, Helena defended that Nora's "knowledge" and passion for saving sister Rachel (Reign) was reason enough. Still, Helena said Nora has regrets about signing on to the Dawn of Eve experiment.

Prime Video

Is this because Nora never makes it out of the water after trying to save Rachel? We aren't certain, but Helena did say that her character is still alive in season two.

"I have no spoilers," Helena commented before adding, "She is alive."

This may be a trick answer as The Wilds uses a flashback storytelling narrative. So, Nora may be alive in a flashback but not in a present-day scene. We'll have to wait for season two to find out!

The Wilds is streaming now on Prime Video.

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