Anne Hathaway Shares the Relatable Way She Reacts to Nerves

During an interview with Seth Meyers, a nervous Anne Hathaway broke out in “talk show hives." Scroll on to see how the Oscar winner handled the moment.

By Mona Thomas Jan 15, 2021 2:56 PMTags
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Even the biggest stars still get nervous at times.

During the Thursday, Jan. 14 episode of Late Night with Seth Meyers, Anne Hathaway stopped by to talk about her new movie Locked Down—which she shot in 18 days—but she also paused the interview to confess how nervous she was to talk to late-night host Seth Meyers.

"I'm sorry, I get nervous talking to you," she said as she placed both hands around her throat. "It's happening. Is my neck red yet? Is it happening?"

Seth laughed as he said, "That's the intention. We do try to keep people, especially you. We want to keep you off your axis."

Just in case no one believes The Devil Wears Prada star, she also shared a snapshot of her hives on her Instagram Story earlier in the day of her interview. She wrote in the caption, "Watch me talk #LockedDownFilm – and break out in my first case of 2021 Talk Show Hives – on @latenightseth tonight!"

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During her interview with Seth, Anne also spoke about why she agreed to do an entire feature film—about people living through the coronavirus pandemic—with director Doug Liman in such a short amount of time in London along with all the filming protocols now put in place.

"I don't think I would have said yes to anyone else," Anne admitted, "but he's so  inspiring and he takes these risks. I mean, you know, he's about to go into space with Tom Cruise and make a movie where he's shooting in space. And he just has these ideas. And when he hears someone say something's impossible, he wants to show them how it's not."

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