
Lauren Conrad Gives a Sweet Update on 10-Month-Old Son Charlie Wolf

By Alyssa Ray Aug 31, 2020 7:42 PMTags

Brothers and friends.

On Monday, Aug. 31's episode of Daily Pop, Lauren Conrad gave an update on her 10-month-old son, named Charlie Wolf Tell. As E! readers may recall, Lauren and her husband William Tell welcomed their second child into the world in October 2019.

"My youngest son, he's about 10 months now, is finally getting to the age where he can kind of play with my older son [Liam James]," The Hills star turned lifestyle guru told E!'s Carissa Culiner. "It's been really nice for them to have this time together and I really appreciate that."

Lauren and William first became parents in July 2017 when their first son Liam James was born. While the fashion designer often shares her sons' milestones on social media, she joked that it's her only content amid the coronavirus pandemic.

"They're the only people I hang out with these days," she quipped. "They're the only people I have to post."

We're sure moms everywhere relate to that sentiment.

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Nonetheless, Lauren has certainly kept herself busy during the ongoing quarantine. Not only has Lauren launched a kids' line, called Little Co. by Lauren Conrad, but she just dropped her new beauty brand, Lauren Conrad Beauty.

"It's been quite a year," Lauren noted. "Originally, we were supposed to launch in February but, obviously, the world had different plans for us."

As she continued, the Laguna Beach star revealed that her beauty brand "has been such a long time coming."

Lauren gushed, "We're so excited."

Watch: Lauren Conrad Opens 1st Store for Nonprofit "The Little Market"

Lauren's beauty brand made headlines earlier this month after beauty guru and YouTube star James Charles indirectly called out LC for sending him a PR packaged filled with empty products.

"I just opened a PR package from a new makeup brand from somebody who has no business having a makeup brand," the 21-year-old said, without naming Lauren, at the time.

He added, "Stop making makeup brands. Stop! Stop!"

In order to clear the air, Lauren confirmed that she had accidentally sent James the empty products.

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"For those asking about the empty components sent to James... let me tell you a funny story," she wrote on Instagram. "The woman who put together the gifts (it was me) decided to fill a makeup bag full of empty samples to make sure everything would fit inside."

Lauren further explained, "When beauty products arrived and it was time to fill all the makeup bags she (again, me) accidentally included the bag full of empties with the others and it was sent out."

Lauren went on to joke that she'd be "let go immediately."

Watch: James Charles Apologizes to Lauren Conrad for Slamming Her New Line

Following Lauren's explanation, James took to Instagram and apologized to the former reality star.

"Wanted to write an apology to @LaurenConrad for my stories earlier," he wrote. "I've been on the verge of tears all day long from a ton of things going wrong & opening her PR package was the icing on the cake of weird things happening today. My stories talking about the products were supposed to be funny but they just came across as nasty because I was so upset, not with her, but with other things that happened today. Lauren and I spoke privately about the misunderstanding & are both good."

Watch Lauren's entire Daily Pop appearance in the clip above.

Lauren Conrad Beauty is available for purchase here.

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