
Dr. Oz Shares How You Can Help Healthcare Professionals During the Coronavirus Pandemic

By Alyssa Ray Apr 07, 2020 8:55 PMTags

Nothing but respect for our healthcare professionals.

Thus, it wasn't surprising when Dr. Oz shared with Daily Pop co-host Justin Sylvester how the common citizen can give back to doctors, nurses and others working tirelessly through the Coronavirus pandemic. Sylvester's exclusive chat with Dr. Oz couldn't have come at a better time as today (Tuesday, Apr. 7) is World Health Day.

"You know, just send love," the famed doctor declared. "I know it doesn't sound like much, but it means a lot. Just kind notes, send it to the hospital that you're at, mail a letter instead of just posting to their website. Express your appreciation."

As Dr. Oz noted, recognizing these professionals will help give them "a little gas in the engine." He's speaking metaphorically, of course. Furthermore, The Dr. Oz Show star praised the resourcefulness and ingenuity of the medical professionals fighting this virus.

For example, Dr. Oz highlighted how hospitals in New York have doubled hospital sizes and expanded intensive care units. "These folks have figured it out, so they deserve the applause," the 59-year-old doctor relayed. "And, often times, they feel like unsung heroes."

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While the celebrity doctor only had praise for the doctors and nurses working right now, he reminded those watching to thank everyone from the orderlies to garbage men. In fact, due to the lack of supplies and there currently being no cure, Dr. Oz compared this pandemic to "a war."

"This is a time for battlefield commissions, it's a war! New York City is a war zone," Dr. Oz stated. "What happens in wars? People show themselves who they really are. And there are lots of leaders out there that didn't know they were leaders—this is not just in healthcare. This is across the country in every walk of life."

In order to combat stress during this time, Dr. Oz encouraged viewers to find a way to be helpful, even if that's just donating blood.

In regard to what's to come for the future, the doctor noted that hand shakes and hugs with strangers will likely no longer happen.

"Handshakes, they're gone. Hugs…that's not gonna happen anymore. That's not good for me or you," Dr. Oz predicted. "Are we gonna be able to go back to restaurants? Yes, but you won't be on top of each other in a restaurant. You're probably gonna be six feet away from the other table."

As to what Dr. Oz misses while social distancing? He said he misses being in front of his TV show audience.

Be sure to catch Dr. Oz's full chat with Sylvester on the Daily Pop's Instagram account, which you can find HERE.

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