Gabrielle Union's 2020 Celebrations Hilariously Turned to S--t, Literally

Gabrielle Union's 2020 celebrations quickly turned to, well, s%*t, when she let an Uber driver into her home to use the bathroom.

By Jamie Blynn Jan 02, 2020 1:03 PMTags

Here's hoping this is not a sign of what's to come for Gabrielle Union.

After bidding farewell to 2019, the superstar and husband Dwyane Wade headed back home. Alas, it was then that things turned to, well, s%*t. "Trying to be responsible & use UBER & our driver asked to use our bathroom 15-20 min later," she tweeted on Wednesday. "Dude dropped a deuce. Im pleased we clearly have a home & available reading material that screams 'Come in, get comfortable and drop the kids off at the pool' Welcome to 2020 folks."

The bathroom break caused a big stink among her more than four million followers. "Come on, you have to admit," wrote back one user, "telling people the first thing you did in the new decade was drop a deuce at D. Wade & Gabrielle's house is a major win for the next 10 years." Weighed in another, "Girl, this is how psychological thrillers start lol! Y'all are such nice people, I wouldn't have let him in."

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Others, however, were hardly flushed by the driver's ask and applauded the duo for their kindness. "This is his busiest work night of the year," explained one tweeter. "And he doesn't have a toilet in the office."

Added another, "As someone who uses to drive for Uber in LA I appreciate you letting him use your bathroom. After a certain time finding places that are open and have a public restaurant that you can use is really hard. So thanks for being so nice to your driver."

For her part, Union is using the new decade as a fresh start, leaving any crap—literal and figurative—behind in the past. After all, the past few months haven't been easy. In November, just days after it was revealed she would not return to America's Got Talent, Variety reported that the 47-year-old had expressed concern over "offensive" incidents that took place during her time on the NBC show. Following her allegations, SAG-AFTRA launched an investigation with Time's Up.

Watch: Julianne Hough & Gabrielle Union Leave "America's Got Talent"

"2019 brought so many lessons, so many blessings," she reflected in an Instagram post. "There were blessings that were disguised as failures or humiliation and I am most grateful for those. I learned that in my quest to live my most authentic life, I've let my ego run point over my soul. I've been asking, praying, mediating that any opportunity, friendship, relationship (business or personal) person, experience, always centers my peace, my joy and my grace. Anything that comes my way that moves me away from being my most authentic self, is not for me."

"My most authentic self was crying out for me to remember that real freedom does not come with my silence when I should be out front doing the work for real change and starting with the most marginalized of us," she continued. "May 2020 bring more clarity, more courage, more wisdom, more lessons, more failures and more blessings. Cheers to more peace, love and grace."

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